Long, pseudo-academic post
And penguins won't stop following you
They march in a long black line
It's menacing and sinister
And soon it will be night time
Shanna got me a cute pair of pink kitty-cat earrings for my birthday, as well as a funny Far Side card. Mom was unhappy that I opened it before my birthday. Had I not opened the gift last night, I wouldn't be able to wear it proudly today.
I really need to stop being so picky and just buy something for Shanna. Maybe I'll find something at the harbor tonight. It's difficult for me because the gift has to be perfect, and perfection isn't easy to find. I did get some perfectly boring cardigans yesterday after work. I bought three: red, yellow and blue; because primary colors are fun!
Parts of last night's Angel were really good. I know there are people who will disagree with me, but I've always liked Connor. And not just because the actor playing him has a nice smile, either, because that character hardly ever smiles. Plus, they got it on the air in time for 'bring your son to work day'!
As predictable or painful as some of Connor's storylines have been, I think he's a good character. I hope they bring him back when they start making their movies-of-the-week. The resolution to last night's episode felt like a bit of a cop-out (although Wesley assuming that everything is about Fred was funny), but I feel better knowing that not only is Connor super strong and super fast and all that, but that he also has super coping skills. He always has, really, it was just hard to tell with all of the craziness going on last season. In comparison, Buffy always went comatose whenever anything bad happened to her. Connor takes the shit life hands him and does something to make it better. The fact that he's no longer all broody like Angel makes him a great hero.
Maybe they could do a Connor spin-off. It couldn't possibly be any worse than Birds of Prey or Tru Calling, right? It would still be satisfying if Connor just goes on living a perfectly bland happy life, but then there's that wasted potential, and I enjoy watching Angel freak out over him and all. Oh well. Not for me to decide what to do with the character. I'm not really into writing fan fics.
Adam Baldwin just gets better and better, too!
Also, the WB promos that describe their new episodes as 'fresh' just kill all of the drama. The word 'fresh' sounds so pleasant. It's jarring to hear 'fresh' over the visuals of Clark being tortured or something. I was all worried about Clark, and then I heard the word 'fresh,' with all of its fun connotations, and my mood was bumped up to a more positive level. Calling a new episode of a comedy 'fresh' is probably a good idea, but it just doesn't work with drama. Stupid WB.
Predictably, I love the music of Matthew Dear. Just so you know.
So, today is still "Bring Your Crazed Munchkins to Work Day". Coupled with the standard "Bring Your Crazed Self to Work" routine, things are definitely more interesting at the office today. I overheard a woman showing-off her child and lying, "These are Mommy's friends" right to his face. What she really meant was, "These are Mommy's subordinates whom she frustrates, belittles and alienates with her general ineptitude and egotism."
It is fun to see a bunch of excited faces at the office, though. Kids dress more fun than adults, too. Kids' clothes are far more colorful, even if the girls tend towards excessive pinkness. They can be forgiven because they're too young to know better, and their parents probably dressed 'em anyway.
An article like this is the kind of thing that makes me love The Weekly World News. I suggest you read it before I begin commenting on it.
You're back? Good.
What I Love About this Article, by Rachel Crane
What I love about the article "Europe to Become Giant Theme Park" from The Weekly World News is its commentary on both European and American culture coupled with the ludicrous idea of transforming an entire continent into a culturally fascist theme park. Very
Disney! Only, y'know, with social commentary.
This piece plays into the idea that Americans pay no attention to what's going on in Europe. Europe is old news, it's finished, there's nothing new happening there. Therefore, the whole continent (including the UK, apparently) can become an historical landmark for industrious, forward-thinking Americans to visit during their down time.
Europe is described as an "intellectual wasteland", continuing the idea that only America is moving forward in any useful way. The blame for Europe's lack of intellect lies in the fact that all of the smart and useful Europeans moved to the States. We sucked their brain trust dry, now let's party with the buffoons and madmen. Woo hoo! Spring break!
What the article really critiques is the atavistic impulses of all of 'western' popular culture. In the early 21st century the height of fashion is to copy the 1980s. Much of the '80s sucked the first time around. I don't care how much minor celebrities wax nostalgic about their ugly corduroy OP shorts on VH1. I don't love the '80s. I don't love the '90s, either. In a few years, when VH1 begins producing "I Love the 90s!" I will continue to not watch that channel (unless they're showing a 'Movie that Rocks', of course).
Placing too much focus on the past slows culture down. We must question the stereotypes that we cling to. Wooden shoes don't seem too useful for everyone to be wearing anymore. Are automobiles still as useful as many tend to think? While stubbornly looking only to the past, one can miss the present and the future ahead. Turning one's back on cultural progress is a joke.
The idea of EuroWorld also flips the colonial ideas of the past. Europe used to fetishize their colonies and less powerful nations through orientalism. Now that the US has Coca-colonized the entire McWorld, Ye Olde Worlde Europe can become fetishized by Americans. Why else would anyone want to buy a BMW?
do like this idea:
The citizens of each European country will now be considered "Euro hosts." The Euro hosts will be required to dress in traditional ethnic outfits from their respective homelands to better entertain visitors.
Thus, Germans must wear lederhosen at all times, Scots must wear kilts, and so forth.
Kilts are so sexy! Sign me up for EuroWorld's "ScotlandLand"!
Okay, that didn't make much sense, did it? I think that's the critique I used to get from teachers and professors and such folk. All the same, I did enjoy writing it.
Posted by rachelcrane
at 11:11 AM PDT