I sent Brooke her copy of 1602 #8 on Thursday via FedEx three day shipping. The last time I used FedEx to send something to Brooke in Hollywood, it was routed from Irvine to LA to Tennessee to LA to Hollywood. I figured that the extra trip to Tennessee was a mistake and didn't want to cause any trouble about it, particularly due to the fact that there wasn't any huge rush for Brooke to get her copy of 1602 #7 (although she may disagree with me on that). But it happened again this week! I just had to write to FedEx about it. It's just such an inefficient waste of resources! First class mail can get a package around SoCal overnight baring any delays such as the Christmas rush, so this is simply wrong. It is so wrong that it should be illegal. It would be immoral for me to not complain.
I paid my bills late for the first time. It was only Macy's and Express, and they were only a few days late, but I'm disappointed in my self. I'd like to blame taxes, a jury duty notice, car registration renewal and the new KUCI quarter for my late bill paying. Just so you know.
Michelle will be in town today, at 3pm. She and Mom and I will most likely go to that Italian place on Balboa that I mentioned here last week. Michelle's so fun.
Writing of fun, Glark at TWoP confirmed that the first season of Arrested Development will be available on DVD relatively soon. I can't wait to give it to people to force them to become addicted like me. Most of my friends already like it, though, so I shouldn't have to give too much $$ to Fox Home Video.
Young Adam was good. The older couple sitting to my right kept chattering through all the good parts, saying things such as, "Oh! He's in trouble now!" Then one of them fell asleep towards the end. Older people really aren't any more well-behaved at theatre-going than younger people. Older people usually don't bring small children into R-rated films, though, so that's nice. (I really don't think The Cell or Once Upon a Time in Mexico work as family friendly entertainment.)
Anyways, Young Adam is compelling and pretty well-plotted (in a non-linear way), and there isn't a war or a serial killer, so I recommend it. I still don't get what the title has to do with anything, though. Maybe the narration of the book explains it better, but it just doesn't work for me based on this film. Also, the director did some interesting things that didn't make me hate him.
Sometimes, when directors try too hard, it makes me hate 'em. Just a little. Such as that guy who directed Daredevil. Like M. Night Shyamalan, he was trying way too hard to let the audience know that he went to film school and knows how to make art. Okay, I'm not entirely certain that Mr Johnson went to film school, but even if he didn't you can tell he wanted to and at least got as close as he could to attending film school. Vincent Gallo pisses me off the most with that kind of thing. If something looks cool and is cinematically groundbreaking but bogs down the picture and kills the plot and confuses characterization, then don't do it! I don't care how cool and 'the new Orson Welles' you think you are. Welles did new, groundbreaking stuff that actually made his movies better; told the story better. Welles was not the type to randomly throw cinematic devices in just because no one had done it before. He knew how to tell a story.
Alex Ross is such a geek. I love his work. He's very skilled and talented and all, and a great big geek. Just thought you should know.