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Monday, 5 April 2004

      The old blog disappeared. Blame the hosting service. I didn't update often, so this is a chance to mend my blog-slacker ways.

      I usually eat PB&J for lunch, but had provolone on squaw bread today. I have since had four Reese's peanut butter cups and want more. I must remember not to skip PB&J in the future.

      'The Ladykillers' has a funny and smart orange kitty. Highly recommended. Please be sure to laugh aloud, though, as the audience I attended the film with did not and therefore creeped me out.

      I almost never wear make-up, but as my Aunt Christine was visiting and had to shop at Sephora, I had to shop at Sephora. I spent $60 on beauty supplies. That's about the only good thing about Christine living in another state: I can't go shopping with her often. The marigold eyeliner looks really nice, though.

      I can't get The End of History off of Momus' '20 Vodka Jellies' out of my head. Sadly, I only know three lines: "I'll be yours and you'll be mine at the end of history. Through the darkness we will shine. Never lose your love for me." There's something else about stars and whatnot, but that's all my memory holds. Must learn Momus lyrics!

      The 'Arrested Development' TWoPCon is humming along nicely. Already a dozen of us will be there. A dozen!

      The clock on my phone went missing when I tried to change it to reflect daylight savings time. Only now do I realize how often I checked my phone for the time. Looking at the bottom right corner of the computer screen seems like far too much effort. I am so pathetically bourgeoisie. I even had to use Meriam-Webster Online to check the spelling of that.

      Tonight I get to watch my VHS of "Best Man for the GOB," last night's episode of 'Arrested Development,' and begin my script-to-screen comparison.

      Are you as over StringingWordsTogetherWithInitialCaps as I am? It must come to an end. Now. The bubble burst years ago.


Posted by rachelcrane at 3:54 PM PDT

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