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Monday, 26 April 2004
Predictable Title Backlash

      I rented Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World yesterday. That title! Really! Is that necessary?
      Anyways, I only got it for Billy Boyd, of course, who plays 'Coxswain'. Those character names tell you from the get-go how much HoYay! is all over this film. The Captain and the Doctor have one lovers' quarrel after another.
      I didn't actually watch the entire film. There are many, many long sweeping shots of water, the ship, the horizon, underwater, islands, Russell Crowe, and other random junk. I was bored and fast-forwarded through most of the long sweeping shots, and had to click right past the violent action scenes. I guess that may have something to do with how HoYay-licious my viewing of the film felt.
      If you're a fan of the History Channel, it's the movie for you. I did enjoy the ending. There was enough left open that it's exciting and you wonder what happens next, but you know damn well what's gonna happen next so it's cool that they don't actually show you another round of heroics. Almost made me interested in the books the film's based on.

      I'm finalizing my preparations for Coachella for my birthday this weekend. I just hope that I didn't pay all that money just to pass out in the desert heat. Ani's coming. She finally got her tickets today from Kevin. I'm so excited! Yay!

      I am a Grammar God, according to this quiz. I did have to put some thought into it, though, so I'm a deep-thought grammar god. And that's why you read my blog, right? For the good grammar.

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:05 PM PDT

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