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Tuesday, 20 April 2004
New web find. That's about it.

      I should just avoid Thai chicken pizza from now on. It always sounds like a good idea, but every restaurant at which I've eaten it does some different thing with the dish that makes me unhappy. I don't even know what the various weird little green things were on the tcp that I had last night, but they did not taste very good. Usually I just have to worry about the peanut sauce being too spicy, but that wasn't a problem at all. Oh well. The frozen banana was yummy, even if it was too cold out to fully enjoy.

      Movie Reviews for the Retarded is my favorite web find of the day. Anyone who concludes their Jersey Girl review with the following comment on Ben Affleck's acting is cool by me: "...Affleck is -- well, he's playing Ben Affleck the way nobody else can." I think that about sums up Mr Affleck's full body of work. And, y'know, the same thing could be said for Jack Nicholson, so please don't hate me for agreeing.
      I am looking forward to the new Jersey Girl episode of Dinner for Five that I saw advertised last night. Stephen Root should totally be on a 24 hour webcam. He is always always funny.

      I still can't bring myself to stop listening to Momus. Why would I want to, really? And I'm still plugging away through Philip Pullman's The Shadow in the North. No response yet from FedEx on extra trips to Tennessee. I fixed the problems with last week's photos but forgot to upload them, and will try to remember to go online tonight to do so. Ann really does look pretty darn adorable. But then, she always does.

Posted by rachelcrane at 10:40 AM PDT

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