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Monday, 12 April 2004
Evils and Easter and whatnot

      For months now, I've been haunted by an animated vision of a small creature sewing buttons on a person's eyes. It reminds me of Neil Gaiman's book Coraline. When I first saw it I thought, "They took that from Coraline! I wonder if Neil knows?"
      But then I kind of forgot about it for a few days. When I recalled the image again, I couldn't remember where I'd seen it. Had I dreamed it? I hadn't read Coraline in a while, but that sort of thing stays with me, so I had resigned myself to believing that I had dreamed it. I was sad that there was not, in fact, an animated reference to Coraline out in the world somewhere.
      Last night, Fox lead up to the latest episode of Arrested Development with three episodes of The Simpsons, one of which involves Homer taking his children and Rod and Tod Flanders to a horror movie called "The Redeadening." In it, Lenny plays a gardener who is attacked by a possessed doll. The doll sews buttons over Lenny's eyes!
      I was again creeped out by the whole thing, but happy that I had at last found the animated Coraline reference for which I'd been searching. Now, I know that with the amount of time it takes to produce animation, there's a slim chance that it was a Coraline reference. But from here that's what it feels like. Now I know and I hope that this time I will remember where that frightening sequence is from.

      Easter was good. I got a cute little egg-shaped tin covered in SpongeBob images. In one, SpongeBob is dressed in a white rabbit costume. It makes him look like an old Apple II computer with bunny ears; all boxy and white and with a big yellow nose and everything. Just like the Apple II!

      Wayzgoose is this Saturday, so I have to get a fun yet family-friendly playlist together out of the music I already have. Michelle's in town today, so we're having dinner with her at Ciao, Mom's favorite Italian restaurant on Balboa Island. And I still haven't found time to do my taxes, naturally. I forsee much stress in the near future.
      I completed the spring program guide, though. And only one week into the new quarter! I'm dropping it off for Kevin after work, and then he can take it to the printer and all will be well.

      Mom says she invited three teenage girls to visit for a couple of days later this week. That'll make things interesting.

      I rented Party Monster over the weekend. It was pretty fun. And gruesome. The cute orange junky kitty did not survive, sadly. I think he went in his sleep, though, so at least there's that.
      I haven't seen all that many movies about druggies, but that seems to be necessary to the story. Trainspotting, for example, has the dead baby. And in an other episode of The Simpsons, Chief Wiggum takes the kids through a museum of criminals. One of the displays shows hippy drug addicts getting ready to eat a baby sandwich. It's far more comical in that instance, but furthers my point. I don't recall any children or animals dying of neglect or whatever in Requiem for a Dream. I have seen it only once, though, so I may have blocked that out.

      I was reminded of how unhappy movies that silently re-write Shakespeare make me in the car this morning, but I don't have time to complain about that right now. Perhaps I'll find time tomorrow morning, when I'm not wrambling on about disturbing Simpsons images.


Posted by rachelcrane at 9:47 AM PDT

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