This morning I saw 'Hellboy.' I've never read the comics, but it had decent reviews. I enjoyed it. Cute kitties who don't get hurt are always nice to see. There are a few cheesy lines, but there always are in action movies. The casting was great, but I still wonder what happened to Jeffrey Tambor's character. Mr Del Toro is an amazing director, but he still left out what happened to Jeffrey Tambor. Oh well. I suppose that leaves him available for a sequel.
The Spidey-2 trailer makes the sequel look better than the original, and it still has James Franco. Marketing revealed far too much, though. I hate that.
Julia Roberts' character sure is snippy in 'Notting Hill.' It has a lovely soundtrack, though.
Watching lots of movies and still haven't done my taxes, naturally.
Shanna sent me the funniest letter that she got from Avani. It's a pyramid scheme for getting manilla envelopes with panties delivered to your door. I, of course, had to continue the letter on its way. I like the idea of women across the country mailing panties to each other. "Panty" is just such a fun word, too!