I was able to find a birthday gift for Barry, a Mother's Day gift for Mom, and fun stuff for Cody and Ally last night. Now I only have Shanna to shop for. That'll be fun, 'cause Shanna looks good in most anything.
I had to stop reading whichever Wodehouse book I'm in the middle of right when I expect Sippy's true love, Miss Moon, is about to get a sack of flour on her head. Bertie's always causing trouble. That's about the only kind of suspense I can bear. Anything along the lines of waiting for the murderer to find the pretty girl hiding in her closet is too much for me. Because the murderer must find her. That's the way the cinematic world works.
Those "Lord of the Ring" movies pleasantly surprised me in that regard. It's amazing how often simply hiding works throughout all three of those films. In any other movie, if four characters are huddling together under the roots of a tree, the dark rider is definitely going to find them. They're right there, just under the tree roots. Breathing heavily and everything. Plus, I'm still not sure how Aragorn could have followed the movements of Pippin and Merry during that Orc massacre. It's as though everyone killing and being killed made sure to avoid every place where Merry and Pip had touched ground amongst the blood and chaos. "A hobbit lay here." Sure, pull the other one, Viggo.
My grey cube is decorated with a row of some buttons I've made. They run along the top of the grey cube particians. (Does that look far too much like 'patricians' to anyone else?) The buttons have pictures of random celebrities. Most aren't in any particular order, but some of them are thematically grouped together: Steve Martin & Flip Wilson, for instance. I also have Sophia Coppola and Spike Jonze right next to each other. Ever since I heard that they broke up, I've been thinking about moving their buttons. But I really like the idea of them being together. Seeing their buttons next to each other does remind me of their relationship's current state, but also reminds me of their relationship's former state. Back when they were hot young directors; supremely cool in that indie-but-on-the-cusp-of-mainstream way. But their buttons are flanked by Ewan McGregor in "Moulin Rouge" and John Turturro in "The Big Lebowski," so that helps ease the pain.
On the topic of Coppola buttons, one has a picture of Nicholas Cage at about, say, 7 years old, give or take. He looks uncannily similar to Haley Joel Osment. And all of those Osment kids are kind of odd-looking. It's just a strange coincidence, is all I'm writing.