Were it not for my commitment to post to this blog at least once per weekday, there'd be nothing at all up here today.
Dad's in Canada on business. Mom and I are having dinner together tonight, followed by me ranting to the KUCI trainees for a little while. David brought home the Return of the King DVD last night, which is why I was running a little late this morning. Ah, Billy Boyd and his Pantene ad hair!
There have been more and more entertainment media writing that Arrested Development will be renewed for a second season. Only two more days until it's official. Then the TWoP Con this Sunday. I'm so excited! The whistles are scheduled to arrive today. Yipee!
I've never put together a fan meeting before. I hope everyone will have a good time. It would be so very fun if anyone from the production actually showed up. I'm not counting on it, but it'd be v. v. fun.
The KUCI General Manager applications are out. I wanna be GM. I want it so badly. I have such plans. I want to make people happy with my plans. I love KUCI.
Gee, I'm excitable today. Maybe it was all those M&Ms and fruit snacks.
Oh, and the Fabulous Lorraine (aka assistant to Neil Gaiman) finally got back to me to assure me that Mr Gaiman will have time for the media when his new book's done. Now I have both a new book and an interview to look forward to. And she really is Fabulous. Not many people are able to convey fabulosity through e-mail, but Lorraine finds a way.