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Tuesday, 11 May 2004

      We celebrated my birthday last night with a game of Yahtzee! and a mint and chip ice cream roll cake from Baskin-Robbins. I then stayed up far too late trying to finish reading The Shadow in the North. Even though I didn't stay up late enough to finish it, I still woke up late. ~sigh~

      I'm working on an update to my personal site. It really needs it. As people looking to hire graphic designers have said that it's pretty annoying when they get applicants who don't know the basics of art, such as color theory, my new site design is based on color theory. Easy peasy! Sorta.

      If you know of someone who'd like to hire a talented graphic designer (who even knows from color theory) in the San Francisco area, please let me know, as I am looking to relocate to NorCal.

      The intro to the new Magnetic Fields song "I Thought You Were My Boyfriend" reminds me of "Deep Sea Diving Suit," from one of their earlier albums. It was confusing at first, but now I enjoy having those songs smushed together in my head: "I'm sorry but how can I get to you? I thought you were my boyfriend. I thought you were my boyfriend."

      My new Caterpillar shoes arrived in the mail today. I hope they're comfy. I'm wary of purchasing shoes online (without trying them on), but they were half price, and there's still a place in my heart for the combination of dark brown and baby blue.

      Also, it looks like I may be forced to use Dreamweaver or FrontPage at work soon. Lazy people using ugly software to build top-heavy sites is bad. I don't want to be one of those people. I am pretty lazy, though, so maybe it'll all work out.

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:55 PM PDT
Monday, 10 May 2004
Entertainment News, again

      I found a link to Novel Notes for those of you who're too cheap to buy "Cliff's Notes".

      Hmm...what to type about...I saw "Mean Girls" this weekend and spent much of the time either laughing out loud or gasping in shock (in an entertaining way). I recommend the film. Afterwards, while visiting the restroom, Mom and I noticed far too many actual people who would have fit in with the fictional characters in the movie we'd all just watched together. Scary.

      I continue to enjoy the "Batman Adventures" comic after its all-time low earlier this year with a Robin-centered issue that way just bad. Baaaad.
      Now they're getting back to some politics/social consciousness or whatnot. Or as close as one can get with a comic book aimed (roughly) towards kids. This month they bashed the security issues with touch-screen voting machines, as well as politicians who waste money on their own pet causes while pulling spending on the basic necessities of their constituents. Baaad politicians!
      Also, I have a hard time believing that Bruce Timm and Paul Dini's "Harley and Ivy" mini-series could possibly be marketed towards children. It's just so naughty! I enjoy it, but the sexually charged relationship between the title characters coupled with a steamy shower scene aren't the most 'family friendly' entertainment. I'm sad that it's only three issues. I'd love for those guys to do a monthly series. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

      Ooo, and I finally figured out how to broadcast from my iPod yesterday, so that'll make DJing easier from now on. No more boxes of CDs to lug around! I love Comrade Pod!

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:59 PM PDT
Yesterday's Playlist Today
Listen online at

Artist . Song . Album . New Release?
1. Jason Forrest . Stepping Off . The Unrelenting Songs of the 1979 Post Disco Crash . NR
2. Mochipet . Mochi vs. Soulseek . Combat . NR
3. Jolly Music . Jolly Radio . Erlend Oye DJ-Kicks . NR
4. Daedelus . Scaling Snowdon . Of Snodonia . NR

5. Sqaurepusher . I Wish You Obelisk . My Red Hot Car single
-6. Hajime Yoshizawa . I am with You . Lougne Story 2 . NR
7. Maya F.S. . Prelude #1 [J.S. Bach] . Masterworks Reworked . NR
8. Tino's Breaks . Wicked Insane Evil Dub . Hallowe'en Dub

9. Mum . The Island of Children's Children . Summer Make Good . NR
10. Nobukazu Takemura . From the Ocean of Forest . Songbook
11. Momus and Anne Laplantine . The Tailor of Dunblane . Summerisle . NR

12. The Magnetic Fields . Infinitely Late at Night . i . NR
-13. Billy Schuh and the Foundry... . Dancing Lights/Slow Machines . Fathers as Robots EP . NR
+14. Applied Communications . Urban Renewal . Africa Baby, Yeah Yeah Yeah . NR
15. New Black . Beatrice . New Black . NR
16. Mixel Pixel . Perfect Little World . Rainbow Panda . NR
18. Future Bible Heroes . Death Opened a Boutique . Memories of Love

19. The Beautiful Mistake . Cold Hands (For Tired Hearts) . This is Who You Are . NR
20. New Bethel . Telepathy . Homemade Hits vol. 1 . NR
21. Komeda . Out from the Rain . Kokomemedada . NR

22. Joel Frahm with Brad Mehldau . Round Midnight #1 . Don't Explain . NR
23. One Ring Zero . Radio (promo) . As Smart as We Are
24. Christian Marclay . Jukebox Capriccio . Records

25. Kraftwerk . Radioactivity . The Mix
26. Super Madrigal Brothers . Minuet . Shakestation

27. Hedwig and the Angry Inch . Midnight Radio . Hedwig and the Angry Inch
28. Momus . Robin Hood . 2005 Album

29. Dorfmeister con Madrid de los Austrias Muga Reserva . Spanish Grease
[Willie Bobo] . Verve Remixed

Posted by rachelcrane at 9:39 AM PDT
Friday, 7 May 2004
Bye! Have a good Mother's Day weekend!

      I have no time for blogging today. I started writing something! I'm so excited! It even feels like something that I am capable of completing. Yay for me!

      On a side note, I'd just like you to know that Blana from Smallville is worst-written, most easy to hate character I've watched in a long time. The heart-removing demon on Angel was more pleasant. I would also like to take this time to curse the director of this week's SV episode for throwing romantic music into a Lex/Lana scene. Lex is always sexy, no matter who he's standing near, but that was just wrong! Naughty naughty Smallville!

Posted by rachelcrane at 1:39 PM PDT
Thursday, 6 May 2004
"i" by The Magnetic Fields. "Buy it," says I.

      I hate inefficient people who won't shut the fuck up and let me get back to doing my job! Grr!

      A quote found in this old Momus page reminded me of Angel: "soul itself is the longing of the soul-less for redemption." Also, I watched some more of the Firefly DVDs that David was kind enough to get me for my birthday, and in the Pilot commentary Joss made a joke about not having a soul. He made me laugh so much I had to pause and rewind to catch what I'd missed. soooul! hee.

Coachella continued
      Let's see...AIR fans like to smoke. Jared Leto looks pretty scuzzy and tiny in person. Had My So-Called Life survived for several years, he could easily have gotten away with playing a teenager for a while.
      Danger Mouse is hot. His music's good, too. While Ani and I were waiting for his set to begin, we met a DJ from KSPC in Claremont. I can't remember his name because my memory sucks. He was cool and pleasant to be around, though. Based on my limited experience, I highly recommend KSPC DJs.
      After Danger Mouse we rushed to meet Ani's friend Russell at the giant red spidery lamp near the Main Stage. We then met Russell's friend from the North Derrick, and Scott (+2 whose names I forget). The Cure was so late! Two entrance lighting cues over about 20 minutes and they still didn't come on stage. Eventually they began to play, though. When Robert Smith greeted the audience and the audience screamed in reply, all I could think was, "Their God has spoken and for that they rejoice."
      The Cure is The Cure. Ani summed it up by stating that she felt like she was listening to the radio. Everyone in our group other than Derrick (who had to stay to worship RS) went to the Outdoor Theatre for Le Tigre. They are a lot of fun! Le Tigre all the way! We left at 11:30p to avoid traffic.
      Ani got a ride back to Orange County with Russell, and I got the hotel room to myself until check-out time on Monday. I was able to enjoy the air conditioned room in nothing but a bra and use as many towels as I liked. It was the first time I've stayed in a hotel room all by myself. It felt nice.
      Monday morning I was v. sad driving back. There was no fun new music to listen to. Yes, my Momus mix CD was comforting and entertaining, but I've heard it before. I didn't even get to do my music show on Sunday morning! When I got home I turned on the Sounds of the Seasons Music Choice channel and felt better. In between holidays they play mellow electronic music on that channel. The arrival of Cinco de Mayo has made me a bit unhappy.
      Anyways, 50,000 music snobs (or at least poseur music snobs) made me feel better about music snobbery. Getting pummelled from every angle with popular entertainment, it's easy to feel culturally isolated. Knowing that there are so many fellow music snobs across the globe was heartening, even if they were invading my personal space (only 40,000 would have made me feel even better).
      I'm glad I didn't pass out from all of the heat and low humidity. I'm glad I was able to pick up a Stephen Root t-shirt at the local Hot Topic. I'm glad I got to see how fine Danger Mouse is in person from the front row. I have no plans to return to Coachella ever again, especially if a certain glom-run radio station is involved. (Grr!)

      Scene 891 What can I say? Take it for what it is. Make of it what you will.

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:20 PM PDT
Wednesday, 5 May 2004
Listening can be bad.

      Poison is, by definition, toxic, right? Therefore, "toxic poisoning" is redundant, right? I'm not the crazy one here, am I? ??? I hope not.

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:06 PM PDT
Old business

      Due to the fact that I have a slightly narrow world view, two blogs I regularly read both posted a link to this Stephin Merritt interview. I thought I'd keep the trend alive.

      Also, I've corrected the link for my Balboa Island photos, so you can click over there to see more than one page of images now.

      I only just finished watching the Smallville and Angel episodes from last week. Okay, so Clark is held against his will and tortured by a research scientist. Clark's superness and the love of Lex save him. The scientist goes into a coma. You'd have to wait to prosecute the scientist, due to the coma. Why don't they bring charges against the company the scientist works for? Clark was kidnapped and tortured and nobody even mentions calling the police or involving the justice system? They are damn lucky I'm still crushing on Michael Rosenbaum, 'cause otherwise I'd have to stop watching the most poorly written drama on TV today (and don't forget that The O.C. is currently on the air).
      Another thing about this past SV that bothered me was Baby Clark. When his parents stick him in the Ugliest Bassinette Ever Clark is an infant. When he arrives on Earth he's about three or four years old. I'm down with the time it would take for Clark to travel from Krypton to Earth. How did he survive for so long, though? He wasn't in some cryo-stasis or anything and there didn't seem to be any food or fresh diapers in that fugly egg pod. The complete lack of social interaction for two or three of Clark's formative years does make sense of his character. He's such a dope. Stupid man.
      Angel was pretty cool. I like Illyria getting unstuck from time. Reminds me of something Kurt Vonnegut would write about.
      Illyria's generally loads of fun anyway. Wesley acts kind of Renfield about her, too. He said something like, "When she speaks it's like 'Vertigo'." I can't decide whether he was making a reference to Hitchcock's film or just the medical problem. 'Cause, y'know, Illyria killed Wesley's last girlfriend and now lives in said girlfriend's body. The context didn't help at all. Usually when they make cultural references they'll be more explicit about it, but I still can't decide about that word. I could buy that Illyria's voice causes a negative physical reaction in humans, or that Wesley hearing Dead Fred's voice makes him feel wonky, but ever since the relationship between Wesley and Illyria was established I've thought of them as a potential 'Vertigo' homage. Why can't they explain these things to me? Didn't Ben Edlund write this episode? It wasn't nearly as fun as "Smile Time". When he does 'wacky' it's awesome. When he does 'standard' it's stock sci-fi garbage.
      The ending made absolutely no sense, either, unless they reveal in the next episode that Angel actually killed those demons. Or the baby. Either one works for me. And the pregnant mother so reminded me of Sharon from My So-Called Life. Let me look her up a moment. Oh, she's David Boreanaz' wife. What a non-surprise. (Is there a proper word for that? Meriam-Webster online doesn't list an antonym for 'surprise'. Anti-climactic? Naw. Oh well. Based on a Google search for the term, 'non-surprise' does get used pretty often. We need a proper word for this! Negating a boring old word just isn't enough! Revolution!)

Coachella, already!
      Ani and I made it through security pretty quickly (although I was forced to toss a nice new pen, sadly), and made it onto the grounds in time to hear the Section Quartet. Someone in the group said that they were the loudest string quartet. I agree. We didn't get anywhere near the Main Stage and they were still too loud for me. The KROQ tent was predictably noisome.
      We loaded up on bottled water and made our way to the Mojave tent for Q and not U. We knew it was the Mojave tent cuz we asked the security guard which tent we were in. They should really think about labeling those. QanU was good, but I wanted to see Howie Day. He's got the kind of schtick that's great to watch live. Ani had to stay behind at the Mojave tent for a little while to wait for her friends (who never showed).
      Howie Day is a young white guy with an acoustic guitar, and masses of pedals. He samples, loops, mixes and who know's whats live on stage while he's performing. He's like a digital one-man-band. I've even seen him do a 'dance mix' of one of his songs on the fly. Seems he has a whole backing band now, though. That made me sad. But they were experiencing technical difficulties. While others worked to resolve the problems with the band's equipment, Howie played two songs by himself. This made me happy. I wasn't close enough to see his schtick very well, but I could hear it and that's all that matters. Plus, churro and iced lemonade!
      We listened to Kinky off in the distance while waiting for Ani's friends to meet us near some food stalls. They were Lexy and Drew. Good people. I highly recommend them. We got lunch (my personal mini-pizza was doughy! It was so gross! I'm lucky I didn't get sick! !!! Ani's vegi combo from the Chinese food stall smelled yummy.) and then headed over towards Beck. I don't enjoy listening to Beck (and was glad that nobody lynched me for stating that aloud near the Gobi tent), so I went off on my own. I told Ani I'd meet her at the film tent.
      The film tent sucked. It was tiny and crowded and the documentary I came in on was boring. I did not stay in the film tent. I wandered about, bought a strawberry snow-cone (that looked like a bright red breast), and began looking for shade. Oh, I bought a parasol just after arriving. It's made of 'natural'-colored paper and has pretty flowers painted on it in black and gold. But I needed real shade.
      I found the Playstation 2 tent and sat around watching some guy try to figure out some track meet game. Kind of boring, but relaxing and cool. Eventually, I met up with Ani near the Outdoor Stage, where we'd seen Howie Day. She said Junior Senior was very good. She hadn't watched much of Beck. We dozed under some random low-lying tent thing. It was quite refreshing.
      We got some more food. This time Ani went for the doughy pizza and I got a vegi combo from the Chinese food stall. The woman serving the food starting putting a meat kabob on my plate until I reminded her that I'd ordered the vegi combo. We took our food over towards the Main stage to watch The Pixies. They were a lot of fun. They have v. devoted fans, as well. Radiohead was scheduled to play the Main stage after The Pixies, so Ani wanted to get as close to the stage as possible. She's small and swift and made it through the crowd easily, but I did not and completely lost track of her after a couple of minutes. I managed to get even closer to the stage after The Pixies left the stage. I couldn't bear the idea of standing crushed between all those people for another two hours, though, and left (which was not an easy feat in itself).
      I didn't really care to see any of the bands playing between The Pixies and Radiohead, so wandered around the Virgin Megastore tent for a while. As one of my fellow browsers remarked, "I don't need to pay $25 to get this CD right now. It's cheaper everywhere else."
      I bought some fruit and cranberry juice and made it back just in time for Radiohead. They're so cool. They're my favorite big, world famous rock band. Thom said he played 'Creep' for The Pixies. The crowd I was in was sparse enough to allow me to shake my booty to the music. Shaking my booty kept me from having anyone standing directly behind me for very long.
      Once I was certain that Radiohead was done performing for the night, I rushed over to the Sahara tent to see Kraftwerk live! I missed their first song, but the whole thing was very very cool. I was hoping for 'Pocket Calculator,' cuz that's my favorite, but they did play 'Computer World,' which is from the same album. There was a video presentation on the screen running the width of the stage. The 'band' stood in front, silhouetted against images of bicyclists and radioactivity symbols. A few minutes after they left the stage, the shadows of robot mannequins began to appear on the screen. Then the robots replaced the band for the first song of the encore: The Robots. It was so great to be there as thousands of people applauded the arrival of four robot mannequins on the stage. The actual people behind Kraftwerk eventually returned to the stage to finish their encore. I love live Kraftwerk! I had to miss Phantom Planet, but I can see them any time. And the very idea of seeing them perform live isn't nearly as fun as Kraftwerk live!
      It took Ani and me a while to find each other after Kraftwerk (live!). First, we made the mistake of setting our walkie talkies to channel one, which is the same channel that about a hundred other people were trying to use. Then, someone left their mic open from Phantom Planet to Kraftwerk so that all anyone could hear on channel one was music. We did get back together in time to meet up with Drew again. Lexy was waiting in the car. They'd been trying to get out of the parking lot since the middle of Radiohead's set. Due to the complete lack of parking staff, traffic was moving at about six feet per half hour. It was the worst traffic I have ever been in. Ever. I've been in some really shitty traffic. Never before has it taken four hours to leave a parking lot with only a few hundred people trying to exit. I could probably have walked back to our hotel by then. All of the road closures by the police just made everything worse. It really doesn't help traffic throughout Indio by forcing about 40,000 people to use only one street to get to the freeway. That actually causes more traffic problems. Indio is mostly on a grid-plan. There are about a dozen different ways to leave the Empire Polo Field when all of the streets are open. The traffic control at Coachella completely sucked. I have no intention of ever attending Coachella again. Not even shutting down the port-a-potties early because the scant few available were full well before midnight was enough to make me swear-off Coachella. That traffic was.
      Anyways, we got back to the hotel very late. I'll post about Sunday tomorrow. Maybe I'll have that Danger Mouse photo uploaded by then. You'll wanna see it; he's hot.

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:51 PM PDT
Tuesday, 4 May 2004
Home again, home again. Jiggity-jig!

      Not much time for blogging today. I'm still recovering from Coachella. I'll try to find time to type about that tomorrow. I was just so unhappy Monday morning driving back from the desert and not being able to hear new exciting music that I'd never heard before. I'd already heard everything in Mr. Car, and knew that turning on the radio would not help. Coachella spoiled me.

      My very favorite virus/worm/spam/whatever subject line: crispin sprite baleen snowfall contralateral breadboard ...
Freeform computer poetry can be so beautiful!

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:12 PM PDT
Friday, 30 April 2004
Oh my! Radiohead tomorrow!!! and !!!, too!

      I can't think of anything other than Coachella right now. That's where I'll be this weekend, so don't expect anything new up here until some time next week. I will be beeping lots of digital photos to share, so look forward to waiting for those to load.
      I would like to post that I am unhappy about the concert's scheduling. It is very rude to schedule Phantom Planet and Kraftwerk at the same time. I love Phantom Planet, but when am I ever gonna get another chance to see Kraftwerk live? I was really looking forward to seeing the guys with their new drummer, too. Oh well. I can live with the memories of past PP shows.

      I posted the photos from my Tuesday visit to Balboa Island to my Arrested Development fansite, cuza the banana stand and all. I'm not sure whether you'll be able to see all of the photos if you click over there today, as they take up a lot of bandwidth and I don't have much bandwidth to begin with. If you have loading problems, just come back later. This'll probably be the top post around here for a few days.

      Anyways, have a great weekend! I hope I do!

Posted by rachelcrane at 10:57 AM PDT
Thursday, 29 April 2004
Doorway loitering

      Below are a few photos I took at last Wednesday's staff meeting. I'm having server problems with my Balboa pictures from Tuesday, so that may have to wait until tomorrow.

These are Ani's friends. I forget their names. They're in KUCI training this quarter.
Ani Friends
Ani Friends

This is Jill. She works at the station and hosted our winter holiday gift exchange party last year.

Steve Sherlock and one of Ani's friends. Steve's a lifer at KUCI, and super-dooper cool. You could tell that just by looking at him, though, couldn't you? (Even his t-shirt is hip & indie; it's for a local film festival.)
Steve Sherlock and Ani's friend

Posted by rachelcrane at 10:03 AM PDT

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