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Friday, 21 May 2004
Oh please!

      If Chloe is actually dead, I will not watch Smallville anymore. Less Michael Rosenbaum viewing, but also less frustratingly poor narrative fiction and more free time.

      KUCI's annual fund drive began today at noon. If you love me you'll make a tax-deductible donation for a lovely premium of your choice!

      Jason Forrest

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:46 PM PDT
Tuesday, 18 May 2004
Nothing much.

      Were it not for my commitment to post to this blog at least once per weekday, there'd be nothing at all up here today.

      Dad's in Canada on business. Mom and I are having dinner together tonight, followed by me ranting to the KUCI trainees for a little while. David brought home the Return of the King DVD last night, which is why I was running a little late this morning. Ah, Billy Boyd and his Pantene ad hair!

      There have been more and more entertainment media writing that Arrested Development will be renewed for a second season. Only two more days until it's official. Then the TWoP Con this Sunday. I'm so excited! The whistles are scheduled to arrive today. Yipee!
      I've never put together a fan meeting before. I hope everyone will have a good time. It would be so very fun if anyone from the production actually showed up. I'm not counting on it, but it'd be v. v. fun.

      The KUCI General Manager applications are out. I wanna be GM. I want it so badly. I have such plans. I want to make people happy with my plans. I love KUCI.
Gee, I'm excitable today. Maybe it was all those M&Ms and fruit snacks.

      Oh, and the Fabulous Lorraine (aka assistant to Neil Gaiman) finally got back to me to assure me that Mr Gaiman will have time for the media when his new book's done. Now I have both a new book and an interview to look forward to. And she really is Fabulous. Not many people are able to convey fabulosity through e-mail, but Lorraine finds a way.

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:56 PM PDT
Monday, 17 May 2004
Entertainment news, are you surprised?

      If you plan ahead to attend Coachella and you book a hotel in Hollywood, you're just stupid. I'm not trying to be rude, but that is pure stupidity. I could rant for quite a while about how some people seem to think that the only thing in California is Los Angeles and the rest of the state is a vast wasteland, as well as the ease of locating hotel information when you have internet access, but I'll stop now.

      Rumors are that Arrested Development will be picked up for a second season. The official announcement will be on Thursday, but I'm happy today. Yay for Arrested Development! Thank you Fox!

      Yesterday's show was depressing. (See playlist below.) I decided to not fall back on playing old music that I love. Therefore, I played anything out of new releases. That was a bad idea. I really want to find new music by wonderful people to broadcast, but the world isn't helping me any. I am v. sad that I was unable to find any good music that I hadn't heard before yesterday. Most of the electronic stuff I found was basically 21st century disco, and the rock section is painfully yawn-evoking. ~sigh~ I'll be in Marina del Rey next Sunday, so I'll have a sub. I hope that by the time I return to my music show on May 30, we'll have some good new music at the station.

      I plowed through both Sandman: Season of Mists and Death: At Death's Door over the weekend. Being able to read them back-to-back is one advantage to waiting so long to read any Sandman comics. Then, of course, I had some bizarre Sandman-inspired dream. That character is such a drama queen.

Posted by rachelcrane at 12:06 PM PDT
Sunday, 16 May 2004
Very flouy playlist for today
Listen online at

Artist . Song . Album . New Release?
1. Mochipet . Nelly vs. Poor Kakarookee (Venetican Snares) . NR
-2. The Porter Project . Gigolo . The Porter Project . NR
3. Slow Train Soul . Illegal Cargo (reprise) . Illegal Cargo . NR

-4. Frankie Knuckles . Journey . A New Reality . NR
5. Arto Lindsay . Jardim Da Alma . Salt . NR
6. John Beltran . Dia Brioso . In Full Color . NR
7. Metamatics . 4am on Spectre Canal [John Foxx Remix] . Music for Heroes comp. . NR

8. Tyrant . Electro Radio Mix . NR
a. Ectomorph . Subversion . Interdimensional Transmissions
b. Silicon Scally . Proteus . Firewire
c. Sync 24 . Sense 3 . Touchin Bass
d. Matt Carter . The Stand . Varial
e. Cultek . Intra Red . Touchin Bass
f. Point B . Knowone . Erratica
+g. Volsoc . Compuphonic Intelligence . World Electric
h. Justin Berkovi . The Lair . Djax

9. Bizzart . Hivek . Ear Drung . NR
10. Languis . Constellations . The Four Walls . NR
10b. Skalpel . Asphodel . Skalpel . NR
11. Prefuse 73 . Odd Job Discrimination [Ramen Noodle Version] . Odd Job Discrimination EP
Request: West in NB
12. Nickodemus & Osiris . Jaadu (Magic) . Rare Elements: Ustad Sultan Khan . NR

13. Momus . Corkscrew King . 2005 Album . PC
-14. The Race . Rose . Rose . NR
15. The Magnetic Fields . It's Only Time . i . NR . PC

-16. Intuit . A Hard Day's Night . Intuit . NR
17. Diplo . Don't Fall . Zentertainment 2004 comp. . NR
18. The Dorkestra . Try Handcuffs . Merry Tales and Fractured Melodies . NR

19. FNDMNTL . Fireside . Subduction . NR
20. The Mysterious Poufs . B-Side Love . WNRTTROTMPR . NR

21. Teargas & Plateglass . An Age of Dust (with Lil Gong) . Teargas & Plateglass . NR

Posted by rachelcrane at 12:05 PM PDT
Thursday, 13 May 2004
Every Green Boat Delivers Flan

But nothing's going to change
This painted frown
And I know
I looked all over town

      "I Looked All Over Town" by The Magnetic Fields is a sad song, but it makes me happy to hear it. The lyrics are fun to sing and the tune & instrumentation make me smile. Yay for The Magnetic Fields!

      This article from The Onion reminds me of how I used to feel at Comic Con every summer. Not exactly, as I'm not flirty in any circs, and never dress in wacky character costumes besides, but it's close. Not anymore, though. It's far too mainstream. There have been lots of female Comic Con attendees in the past couple of years. I like it better that way. (I don't like the fact that there are now fewer geeks and more random blockbuster movie fans, but more female attendees makes me happier.)

      I'm now tracking the white plastic whistles that I bought for the Arrested Development TWoP Con on March 23. I was surprized at how difficult it was to find white plastic whistles. They mostly come in black plastic or chrome. Another popular whistle color is safety cone orange. I found a few sites that had every color of the rainbow, even with different shades of the same hue, but no white. There were only two places that had white plastic whistles, and one didn't have online ordering because they're the manufacturer (and, oddly, the American Whistle Corporation's 'Patriot' line of plastic whistles comes in the following three colors: red, white and black). UPS says they should be here on Tuesday, just in time! Well, with a few days to spare, for which my nerves are thankful.

      I'm so glad it's Thursday. I get paid tomorrow.

      Oh, I finished reading The Shadow in the North last night! It was pretty good and seems to set up the next book in the series pretty well. I was sorely disappointed that Mr Pullman employed such a tired cliche on the very last page, though. You can skip the rest of this post if you don't want to be spoiled on some plot points.
      Anyways, he does that stupid, predictable story in which two people sleep together once, soon after which the male party dies. In her mourning, the female party discovers that she is pregnant. I even saw it not that long ago in Cold Mountain. It's just so yawn-evoking! Oh well. At least it's the only thing by Mr Pullman that I've read that I really didn't like.

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:23 PM PDT
Tuesday, 11 May 2004

      We celebrated my birthday last night with a game of Yahtzee! and a mint and chip ice cream roll cake from Baskin-Robbins. I then stayed up far too late trying to finish reading The Shadow in the North. Even though I didn't stay up late enough to finish it, I still woke up late. ~sigh~

      I'm working on an update to my personal site. It really needs it. As people looking to hire graphic designers have said that it's pretty annoying when they get applicants who don't know the basics of art, such as color theory, my new site design is based on color theory. Easy peasy! Sorta.

      If you know of someone who'd like to hire a talented graphic designer (who even knows from color theory) in the San Francisco area, please let me know, as I am looking to relocate to NorCal.

      The intro to the new Magnetic Fields song "I Thought You Were My Boyfriend" reminds me of "Deep Sea Diving Suit," from one of their earlier albums. It was confusing at first, but now I enjoy having those songs smushed together in my head: "I'm sorry but how can I get to you? I thought you were my boyfriend. I thought you were my boyfriend."

      My new Caterpillar shoes arrived in the mail today. I hope they're comfy. I'm wary of purchasing shoes online (without trying them on), but they were half price, and there's still a place in my heart for the combination of dark brown and baby blue.

      Also, it looks like I may be forced to use Dreamweaver or FrontPage at work soon. Lazy people using ugly software to build top-heavy sites is bad. I don't want to be one of those people. I am pretty lazy, though, so maybe it'll all work out.

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:55 PM PDT
Monday, 10 May 2004
Entertainment News, again

      I found a link to Novel Notes for those of you who're too cheap to buy "Cliff's Notes".

      Hmm...what to type about...I saw "Mean Girls" this weekend and spent much of the time either laughing out loud or gasping in shock (in an entertaining way). I recommend the film. Afterwards, while visiting the restroom, Mom and I noticed far too many actual people who would have fit in with the fictional characters in the movie we'd all just watched together. Scary.

      I continue to enjoy the "Batman Adventures" comic after its all-time low earlier this year with a Robin-centered issue that way just bad. Baaaad.
      Now they're getting back to some politics/social consciousness or whatnot. Or as close as one can get with a comic book aimed (roughly) towards kids. This month they bashed the security issues with touch-screen voting machines, as well as politicians who waste money on their own pet causes while pulling spending on the basic necessities of their constituents. Baaad politicians!
      Also, I have a hard time believing that Bruce Timm and Paul Dini's "Harley and Ivy" mini-series could possibly be marketed towards children. It's just so naughty! I enjoy it, but the sexually charged relationship between the title characters coupled with a steamy shower scene aren't the most 'family friendly' entertainment. I'm sad that it's only three issues. I'd love for those guys to do a monthly series. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

      Ooo, and I finally figured out how to broadcast from my iPod yesterday, so that'll make DJing easier from now on. No more boxes of CDs to lug around! I love Comrade Pod!

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:59 PM PDT
Yesterday's Playlist Today
Listen online at

Artist . Song . Album . New Release?
1. Jason Forrest . Stepping Off . The Unrelenting Songs of the 1979 Post Disco Crash . NR
2. Mochipet . Mochi vs. Soulseek . Combat . NR
3. Jolly Music . Jolly Radio . Erlend Oye DJ-Kicks . NR
4. Daedelus . Scaling Snowdon . Of Snodonia . NR

5. Sqaurepusher . I Wish You Obelisk . My Red Hot Car single
-6. Hajime Yoshizawa . I am with You . Lougne Story 2 . NR
7. Maya F.S. . Prelude #1 [J.S. Bach] . Masterworks Reworked . NR
8. Tino's Breaks . Wicked Insane Evil Dub . Hallowe'en Dub

9. Mum . The Island of Children's Children . Summer Make Good . NR
10. Nobukazu Takemura . From the Ocean of Forest . Songbook
11. Momus and Anne Laplantine . The Tailor of Dunblane . Summerisle . NR

12. The Magnetic Fields . Infinitely Late at Night . i . NR
-13. Billy Schuh and the Foundry... . Dancing Lights/Slow Machines . Fathers as Robots EP . NR
+14. Applied Communications . Urban Renewal . Africa Baby, Yeah Yeah Yeah . NR
15. New Black . Beatrice . New Black . NR
16. Mixel Pixel . Perfect Little World . Rainbow Panda . NR
18. Future Bible Heroes . Death Opened a Boutique . Memories of Love

19. The Beautiful Mistake . Cold Hands (For Tired Hearts) . This is Who You Are . NR
20. New Bethel . Telepathy . Homemade Hits vol. 1 . NR
21. Komeda . Out from the Rain . Kokomemedada . NR

22. Joel Frahm with Brad Mehldau . Round Midnight #1 . Don't Explain . NR
23. One Ring Zero . Radio (promo) . As Smart as We Are
24. Christian Marclay . Jukebox Capriccio . Records

25. Kraftwerk . Radioactivity . The Mix
26. Super Madrigal Brothers . Minuet . Shakestation

27. Hedwig and the Angry Inch . Midnight Radio . Hedwig and the Angry Inch
28. Momus . Robin Hood . 2005 Album

29. Dorfmeister con Madrid de los Austrias Muga Reserva . Spanish Grease
[Willie Bobo] . Verve Remixed

Posted by rachelcrane at 9:39 AM PDT
Friday, 7 May 2004
Bye! Have a good Mother's Day weekend!

      I have no time for blogging today. I started writing something! I'm so excited! It even feels like something that I am capable of completing. Yay for me!

      On a side note, I'd just like you to know that Blana from Smallville is worst-written, most easy to hate character I've watched in a long time. The heart-removing demon on Angel was more pleasant. I would also like to take this time to curse the director of this week's SV episode for throwing romantic music into a Lex/Lana scene. Lex is always sexy, no matter who he's standing near, but that was just wrong! Naughty naughty Smallville!

Posted by rachelcrane at 1:39 PM PDT
Thursday, 6 May 2004
"i" by The Magnetic Fields. "Buy it," says I.

      I hate inefficient people who won't shut the fuck up and let me get back to doing my job! Grr!

      A quote found in this old Momus page reminded me of Angel: "soul itself is the longing of the soul-less for redemption." Also, I watched some more of the Firefly DVDs that David was kind enough to get me for my birthday, and in the Pilot commentary Joss made a joke about not having a soul. He made me laugh so much I had to pause and rewind to catch what I'd missed. soooul! hee.

Coachella continued
      Let's see...AIR fans like to smoke. Jared Leto looks pretty scuzzy and tiny in person. Had My So-Called Life survived for several years, he could easily have gotten away with playing a teenager for a while.
      Danger Mouse is hot. His music's good, too. While Ani and I were waiting for his set to begin, we met a DJ from KSPC in Claremont. I can't remember his name because my memory sucks. He was cool and pleasant to be around, though. Based on my limited experience, I highly recommend KSPC DJs.
      After Danger Mouse we rushed to meet Ani's friend Russell at the giant red spidery lamp near the Main Stage. We then met Russell's friend from the North Derrick, and Scott (+2 whose names I forget). The Cure was so late! Two entrance lighting cues over about 20 minutes and they still didn't come on stage. Eventually they began to play, though. When Robert Smith greeted the audience and the audience screamed in reply, all I could think was, "Their God has spoken and for that they rejoice."
      The Cure is The Cure. Ani summed it up by stating that she felt like she was listening to the radio. Everyone in our group other than Derrick (who had to stay to worship RS) went to the Outdoor Theatre for Le Tigre. They are a lot of fun! Le Tigre all the way! We left at 11:30p to avoid traffic.
      Ani got a ride back to Orange County with Russell, and I got the hotel room to myself until check-out time on Monday. I was able to enjoy the air conditioned room in nothing but a bra and use as many towels as I liked. It was the first time I've stayed in a hotel room all by myself. It felt nice.
      Monday morning I was v. sad driving back. There was no fun new music to listen to. Yes, my Momus mix CD was comforting and entertaining, but I've heard it before. I didn't even get to do my music show on Sunday morning! When I got home I turned on the Sounds of the Seasons Music Choice channel and felt better. In between holidays they play mellow electronic music on that channel. The arrival of Cinco de Mayo has made me a bit unhappy.
      Anyways, 50,000 music snobs (or at least poseur music snobs) made me feel better about music snobbery. Getting pummelled from every angle with popular entertainment, it's easy to feel culturally isolated. Knowing that there are so many fellow music snobs across the globe was heartening, even if they were invading my personal space (only 40,000 would have made me feel even better).
      I'm glad I didn't pass out from all of the heat and low humidity. I'm glad I was able to pick up a Stephen Root t-shirt at the local Hot Topic. I'm glad I got to see how fine Danger Mouse is in person from the front row. I have no plans to return to Coachella ever again, especially if a certain glom-run radio station is involved. (Grr!)

      Scene 891 What can I say? Take it for what it is. Make of it what you will.

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:20 PM PDT

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