...so I'm gonna leave you
And I'd like you to leave me to leave you
But lover, believe me
It isn't because I don't need you
(You know I don't need you)
All I wanted was to be wanted
But you're drowning me deep
In your need to be needed
L'la. La la la, la la la la, l'la.
Macaulay Culkin was on "Larry King Live" last night to promote his new movie
Saved! If you get the chance to watch a repeat of it this weekend or read a transcript of the interview, I recommend it. Naturally, the people phoning-in questions had more intelligent things to say than the host. It was a successful interview on MC's part, as he came off as a cool, funny, intelligent kind of guy whom I would probably enjoy hanging out with.
One of my favorite moments was when LK asked MC about the wild tabloid stories about him. MC basically said that they were all lies and gave an example. His lawyer (I think) had called him asking if he was "still there" because CNN had just notified the lawyer (I think) of MC's death by drug overdose. LK just moved right along to his next question. I couldn't tell whether he was trying to ignore the CNN dig, or if it was another instance of LK not paying attention to the interview he's in the middle of conducting. Funny stuff.
Whenever I see an ad for Saved! I am reminded of a Momus song of the same name. But, y'know, they're both about Christianity, so I figured it was a coincidence. On "LKL" last night, they aired some clips from the film. In one, MC's character seems to paraphrase another Momus song--"I Want You But I Don't Need You"--in conversation. It could easily be another coincidence, but I now suspect that one (or both) of the film's writers is a Momus fan.
I'll have to see it after my show this weekend to try to discern whether there is true Momus fandom involved or I'm just being OCD. Also, with his hair all bleach blonde in the movie, MC reminds me of an old classmate, Dan Noble. I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it.