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Monday, 10 May 2004
Entertainment News, again

      I found a link to Novel Notes for those of you who're too cheap to buy "Cliff's Notes".

      Hmm...what to type about...I saw "Mean Girls" this weekend and spent much of the time either laughing out loud or gasping in shock (in an entertaining way). I recommend the film. Afterwards, while visiting the restroom, Mom and I noticed far too many actual people who would have fit in with the fictional characters in the movie we'd all just watched together. Scary.

      I continue to enjoy the "Batman Adventures" comic after its all-time low earlier this year with a Robin-centered issue that way just bad. Baaaad.
      Now they're getting back to some politics/social consciousness or whatnot. Or as close as one can get with a comic book aimed (roughly) towards kids. This month they bashed the security issues with touch-screen voting machines, as well as politicians who waste money on their own pet causes while pulling spending on the basic necessities of their constituents. Baaad politicians!
      Also, I have a hard time believing that Bruce Timm and Paul Dini's "Harley and Ivy" mini-series could possibly be marketed towards children. It's just so naughty! I enjoy it, but the sexually charged relationship between the title characters coupled with a steamy shower scene aren't the most 'family friendly' entertainment. I'm sad that it's only three issues. I'd love for those guys to do a monthly series. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

      Ooo, and I finally figured out how to broadcast from my iPod yesterday, so that'll make DJing easier from now on. No more boxes of CDs to lug around! I love Comrade Pod!

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:59 PM PDT

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