I think that somebody at Fox marketing has a twisted sense of humor, as evidenced by the banner ads on their site for The Swan.
Anyways, Shana's bridal shower yesterday was pleasant. Probably the first bridal shower I've attended that I enjoyed. I usually just tag along with my Mom and am the youngest one there, and rarely know anybody. Leslie's was nice, but I felt a bit awkward having not really met Leslie before and having no clue about her family.
There were about a dozen of us at Shana's party, with a good mix of family, friends, younger, older, et cetera. Everyone was cool and nice and friendly, and Michelle made an amazing dessert: hot cupcakes (fresh from the oven) with gooey middles and vanilla ice cream! Mmmmm. Shana's Mom and grandmother also brought pork and rice, and cucumber salad. Lots of good conversation, and I look forward to seeing them this Sunday at the wedding.
My whole family saw Fahrenheit 9/11 this weekend. Mom and I went to an afternoon matinee, and Dad and David attended the last showing of Saturday night. As I expected, it made me cry, repeatedly. It's a good film and I highly recommend it, but it was quite upsetting. The movie's a good antidote to corporate media.
Inspired by F9/11, I was involved in a discussion this past weekend that began with someone disagreeing with me and insisting on sources to back up my statement. When some history books were pulled out to back-up my statement, the person who had disagreed with me said that the books supported their ideas, and then went on to re-state my original argument in different words. Both logic and debate really should be required of all high school students. That might help political discussions a bit. So that, y'know, I don't just sigh and give up and rejoice that no shouting or threats of violence were involved.