I finally finished reading The Man Who was Thursday some time last week. I cannot recommend Mr Chesterton's work highly enough. Were it not for everything else I have stacked up to read, I'd immerse myself in GKC for the next several months. I'm thankful that the American Chesterton Society has some of his work available online. Makes the work day pass more pleasantly.
Anyways, the book itself was quite satisfying. Some of the pay-offs were a little obvious, but maybe that's just because of my historical perspective. I still enjoyed it. Figuring things out a couple of chapters before the characters do makes me feel good, 'cause I can usually only predict the plot of crappy sitcoms, which is why I don't watch them.
Separately, I watched this TV movie on Lifetime with my Mom over the weekend called To Love, Honor and Deceive. I know, from the description so far one would expect crap. But it was actually well-written and had a plot and was v. entertaining. It wasn't perfect, but it's far better than that "Stepford Husbands" thing I couldn't even get past the first 30 minutes of. Ok, that isn't a good recommendation. If you like a good mystery with a beautiful soap star and a funny FBI agent and that guy who played Greg on "Dharma and Greg", it's definitely the TV movie for you. ; )