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Wednesday, 16 June 2004
Mood:  incredulous

      Yesterday, the tools to make this blog became considerably more complex than they used to be. Now I have "Emoticons" and Topics and a toolbar to help me code and add images. It's all odd and not too useful to me, as I already know html. This'll prob'ly be the last time I use an "Emoticon", so enjoy it. The spell-check is quite welcome, though, as I usually (time permitting) cut-n-paste into MS Word to check spelling and then have to c-n-p back into the blog text field to post.

      Ok, so there's this about some guy who doesn't write very well but thinks he does. He's also prone to making up credentials. He claims to have received an MFA from UC Irvine. I sure hope it wasn't from any lit-related department. Maybe he got his MFA in sculpture or something. 'Cause, while I never took masters writing courses at UCI, I took a couple of undergrad writing courses taught be grad students, and they are some of my favorite instructors from my college days. I feel insulted by this guy on their behalf. How dare he sully such wonderful people for me with his ickiness! Hell, Aimee Bender got an MFA in creative writing at UCI and she's one of my very favorite authors. How dare this creep connect himself to Aimee Bender in my mind?!? Grr!

      Also, crunchy peanut butter is yummy. Yay for peanuts! And that Carver guy! Double yay!

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:12 PM PDT

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