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Monday, 14 June 2004
Now I'm sleepy--

      Um, snickers are good. They're full of sugar and caffeine and yumminess. Yay for snickers!

      I began reading Four Women by Sam Keith last night, after realizing that I'd bought it while in Hollywood the weekend of the AD TWoP Con and hadn't looked at it since. I caught the first line of the foreword by the author that said something about the book being based on events that really happened to a woman he knows. I stopped there for fear of spoiling the book for myself. I didn't get through chapter two, though. It was just getting too scary for me. I figured it'd be a good idea to not read it right before going to bed last night, and assumed I'd pick it up again some other time. Right now, I don't think I ever want to finish reading that. I just can't handle scary stories. It's a shame, cuz his work is always so good, but I'd prefer to have fewer nightmares, thanks.

      I decided to get in some less frightening reading just before nodding-off and chose one of the books Brooke gave me for my birthday, A College of Magics. The cover compares it to "Harry Potter", but it pre-dates that series, which gave me a good feeling. It's fun so far, but reminds me far more of His Dark Materials than HP. Prob'ly cuza the female protagonist and ye olde fashioned time period. Also, it isn't weighed down too much with the minutiae of "going to school".

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:17 PM PDT

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