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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
Electronic sites to visit:

      Seems that not only is Narconon a branch of the Church of Scientology, but it also teaches children dangerous pseudo-science about drugs. One more reason to dislike them.

      If you like any kind of punk, I suggest you visit Gedkido Comet Records. They're cool and they know good music.
      better Propaganda is a music site I only just noticed. They seem to be trying to pimp indie/underground music in a way that is palatable to middle class suburban kids who can't actually think for themselves but like to believe that they do. Sign up for their e-newsletter if you want to keep track of "hip new music".

      These are the shoes I bought last night to wear to Shana's wedding. They're actually called "Cinderella"! I got the bronze ones, so now I have to find a brown patent leather purse...

Posted by rachelcrane at 3:55 PM PDT

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