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Friday, 4 June 2004
Prepare yourself for geekiness...

      I finally got myself a copy of "Elektra: Assassin" last night. I already loved the work of Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz, but now I love 'em even more. Why didn't I read this sooner? Well, I have been looking for my own copy for a couple of months. It isn't the most readily-stocked graphic novel.

      The Television without Pity boards have been a little slow since the season finales hit, so I decided to visit the "Harley & Ivy" board on the DC official site. I now realize that I've been taking the intelligent, well-written posts on TWoP for granted. Those comic geeks are just all over the place. You'd think all of their keyboards were missing 'backspace' keys. I read through what's currently available at Toog's blog this morning. It's in English, but he's French. The English isn't perfect and he throws French words in occasionally, but I had a much easier time figuring out what he was writing about than people whose primary language I assume to be English. Stupid fanboys think they're so hot. Don't even know how to type or edit.

FYI: This was supposed to be posted yesterday. PC issues got in the way.

Posted by rachelcrane at 7:55 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, 4 June 2004 7:59 AM PDT

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