Now Playing: Foo Fighters, Walking After You; Momus, Handheld; Oingo Boingo, Why'd We Come; The White Stripes, Hotel Yorba; Neu!, Sonderangeb
I tried to go to bed at a reasonable hour last night. But then I got to a really exciting part in Passages and couldn't stop reading until the excitement died down a bit in the third section of the book. Damn these fine writers messing with my sleep schedule! Damn them all to beautiful, garden-like restaurants on the Titanic! j/k
Anyways, I took a bus to Kinko's to fax something this morning. I stopped by the corner market on the way back and got another avocado and some cream cheese to add to my eggs tomorrow morning. By purchasing a package of Monterey Jack cheese earlier this week, I discovered that I don't really like MJc. I prefer the sweet stuff.
Mom got a call from the 415, but it wasn't me, so we played phone-tag for a couple of minutes while I walked back from the market. I don't see how she can miss me when we talk twice a day.
I've applied for some HR positions, 'cause I really liked being training director. One of them is part time, which would leave me time to do contract graphic design as well. I hate looking for a job.
It's Aloha Days in the Presidio this weekend! When I walked from the Officer's Club to the Post Office yesterday I saw them setting up tents and tables in the Main Post parking lot. That'll be fun and distracting.
Carla's at her parents' again this weekend. Just me and Little Miss Hot Bottom, then. And Comrade Pod, not that I've listened to him since . . . before Comic Con, I think. I've been neglecting him! Poor Comrade Pod! LMHB's iTunes is all I need when I'm indoors, though. I don't want to get myself lost when walking around, cuz good music can be distracting. Maybe this weekend.