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Thursday, 5 August 2004
Alot's been going on!

      I'm back online! Yay! It was hell not even being able to check my e-mail for five days. I felt so disconnected from the world.

      Here are photos of where I live now. I'm right across the street from the perfect spot to take pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge.

      I bought new shoes today. They're black leather oxfords by Sketchers. I had to go to Macy's Men's Store to find comfy shoes.

      Tomorrow, I get down to business on my job search. Stress!

Posted by rachelcrane at 6:54 PM PDT
Saturday, 31 July 2004

      I found the best bowling alley ever. It's at the Presidio. Despite the sounds of a children's bowling league, the lounge with laser-cut chairs and a view almost forever made me so happy.

      Russian Hill is far too hip and busy for my delicate sensibilities. Lots of fun for visiting, though.

Posted by rachelcrane at 9:11 AM PDT
Friday, 30 July 2004
Ev'rything's coming up "Error Not Found"

      I am now in San Francisco, in a hotel near the zoo. Mom hates it here. If you know anyone who's looking for a roommate in SF, please let me know a.s.a.p.

      I am now a cell phone owner, putting me that much closer to hellfire and damnation. His name is Don Fellcone. I hate his silly, battery-draining animations. If you know a hack to delete unwanted animations and ring tones from a Samsung x426 phone, please let me know a.s.a.p.

      Now that I've re-established an internet connection, I don't feel so cut-off from the world anymore. There were problems with the phone line at the hotel. The lady at the front desk forgot to open our phone line. We couldn't make any out-going calls, including the local Earthlink dial-up number. Incompetency can make me v. unhappy.

      Anyways, I'm alive and tired. Carla will be back from her parents' tomorrow. It'll be good to finally see her again after ... I think it's been three years. Maybe two, since she graduated after I did and still worked at the station. Ah, Carla!

      Ok, off to Craig's List to look for a room. Ta!

Posted by rachelcrane at 1:42 PM PDT
Thursday, 22 July 2004
Medical weirdness

      I leave for nine (9) days, and this blog's maintenance page changes again. Why must everything online include odd icons that don't really make sense and often confuse users with their obscure references? ~sigh~

      We're leaving for Comic Con early tomorrow morning (as early as I can get David and Brooke out of bed and into Mr. Car). I was unable to schedule any interviews, because there are far too many people interested in Comic Con now. From now on, I'll have the Alt Press Expo in SF to make me feel completely out of the mainstream again. Although I've yet to attend an APE, I doubt they feel as Hollywood as San Diego Comic Con has for the past few years. le sigh

      I love Toog's Blog. I know I've already linked to it, but it just makes me so happy! Witty poets are Off. The. Hook.

      I usually leave Comic Con Sunday morning in an attempt to beat traffic. This year, Joss Whedon's panel isn't until Sunday afternoon, and we must attend it as Joss is entertaining and he promises Serenity cast members will join him. I got to see Nathan Fillion with him last year, and that was enjoyable. But then we'll hit evil traffic on the way home cuz we'll be leaving with everyone else. ~shudder~

      Tuesday, Mom and I are going to see Jackson Browne at the OC Fair. Wednesday, we'll drive up to SF. It hasn't hit me that I'm leaving in less than a week. I hope I'm not making a huge mistake. I'll get to see Carla, again. That's fun. I've missed Carla so.

      Also, Da Ali G Show is amazingly funny.

Posted by rachelcrane at 2:01 PM PDT
Tuesday, 13 July 2004
I'm back, for now.

      I think you should visit KUCI, cuz I'm the Marketing Director there now so it's my job to get the word out. Visit!

      I can't get Momus music out of my head. "Stephano Zirelli" is the current culprit.

      I finally read some "Sin City" by Frank Miller. I got "A Dame to Kill For" a couple of weeks ago but didn't get around to actually reading it for a little while. I'm not wild about noir or sexandviolence in general, but I just love FM's stuff. The art's amazing. I feel stupid for not reading it sooner. I can't start blowing money on completing my FM library, though. Must save and only spend on necessities.
Must save.

      I'm helping with training at KUCI tonight, as the new training director plans to miss half of the class. What fun! Whiny trainees! wooo.
      I hope some of them are fun and laugh at my jokes.

      I'm all excited about this year's Comic-Con, even though it continues to be way too Hollywood. But that means that both Billy Boyd and Jude Law will be there, so that makes me happy. I prob'ly won't even get to see either of them, what with mobs of fanatics and all, but knowing that they're close will make me happy. Also: the aforementioned FM, Neil Gaiman, and Dave McKean.
      David's excited that Jessica Biel will be there. I got him hooked on "7th Heaven" a couple of years ago. She's totally his type, too. Well, except that Keira Knightly is even more his new type due to the accent. We're all suckers for foreign accents (my weakness being that of the Scottish variety).

      I like my new blue jacket. It's nice. I have another one just like it, only yellow. The blue is prettier than the yellow. That yellow's kind of faded and sad.

Posted by rachelcrane at 2:57 PM PDT
Thursday, 8 July 2004

      Can't blog. Preparing to move.
      BTW, if you know anyone who needs a roommate or graphic designer in the San Francisco area, please let me know.

Posted by rachelcrane at 4:04 PM PDT
Friday, 2 July 2004

      I've been a totally lazy bum this week. Therefore, all I have for you are links:
The Onion horoscope: You will soon be forced to admit that your entire emotional range can be conveyed with a set of cleverly arranged punctuation marks.

  • Mr Show Transcripts
  • Mary Lynn Rajskub photos
  • Mr Show DVD review
  • Mr Show DVD review

  • Hootenanny, which is where I'll be tomorrow.

    Posted by rachelcrane at 3:21 PM PDT
  • Wednesday, 30 June 2004
    Oh, the joy of imaging!

          I'm so proud of this one. Thanks to The Simpson's Archive for the perfect quote.

          Shanna and Barry are in town! Barry's gonna try to get us tickets to the Hootenanny for this Saturday while Shanna's off being a bride's maid for Shana. What fun!

    Posted by rachelcrane at 3:55 PM PDT
    Tuesday, 29 June 2004
    much too busy enjoying TWoP's pixel challenge to do anything useful.

    Posted by rachelcrane at 4:12 PM PDT
    Monday, 28 June 2004
    An image! Oh, my!

          I think that somebody at Fox marketing has a twisted sense of humor, as evidenced by the banner ads on their site for The Swan.
    Image Hosted by

          Anyways, Shana's bridal shower yesterday was pleasant. Probably the first bridal shower I've attended that I enjoyed. I usually just tag along with my Mom and am the youngest one there, and rarely know anybody. Leslie's was nice, but I felt a bit awkward having not really met Leslie before and having no clue about her family.
          There were about a dozen of us at Shana's party, with a good mix of family, friends, younger, older, et cetera. Everyone was cool and nice and friendly, and Michelle made an amazing dessert: hot cupcakes (fresh from the oven) with gooey middles and vanilla ice cream! Mmmmm. Shana's Mom and grandmother also brought pork and rice, and cucumber salad. Lots of good conversation, and I look forward to seeing them this Sunday at the wedding.

          My whole family saw Fahrenheit 9/11 this weekend. Mom and I went to an afternoon matinee, and Dad and David attended the last showing of Saturday night. As I expected, it made me cry, repeatedly. It's a good film and I highly recommend it, but it was quite upsetting. The movie's a good antidote to corporate media.
          Inspired by F9/11, I was involved in a discussion this past weekend that began with someone disagreeing with me and insisting on sources to back up my statement. When some history books were pulled out to back-up my statement, the person who had disagreed with me said that the books supported their ideas, and then went on to re-state my original argument in different words. Both logic and debate really should be required of all high school students. That might help political discussions a bit. So that, y'know, I don't just sigh and give up and rejoice that no shouting or threats of violence were involved.

    Posted by rachelcrane at 8:57 AM PDT

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