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Ain't Photoshop grand?

Can you tell which is the real Ashlee Simpson?
« | August 2004 | » | ||||
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Ain't Photoshop grand?
I know that the "Shuffle" function on my iTunes music player may not be as 'random' as I'd like, but for the past couple of days it keeps trying to get me to listen to Chapter 2 of "Coraline". I'm used to getting the occasional book amongst my music, but it's been lots of Chapter 2 lately. While I enjoy Coraline, I'd just like to listen to music right now and don't want to actually program out all spoken word tracks, as I like a little bit of Shel Silverstein poetry now and then. Maybe Chapter 2 is a message from my software, but I just don't want to hear it right now.
It took me until yesterday afternoon to notice the beautiful gilt, four story Williams Sonoma in Union Square. Half of it's stairs and they didn't have the whisk I've been looking for, but I love it all the same.
Oh, and I thought this lecture on the origin of death was really interesting.
The job search continues. It did yield a tasty lunch at the White Star Cafe in the Presidio Officer's Club. Openface roast turkey breast with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy on toasted sourdough. Yum!
Oh, and my foot's hurting again from too much walking. Stupid nerves and muscles and such. The new shoes may not have helped, though. That, and walking up hills. I need to find a topographic map of SF so I know to avoid certain streets in the future. They don't call it "Pacific Heights" for nothing!
I wanna see "Princess Diaries 2" this weekend. I wonder if Carla will come with me. I need to call her tonight.
My roommates showed me where the local comic shop is, so I guess I'll be visiting that soon. I can't wait for the next Nightwing. I wonder if it's out already. Hmm. Oh well. That's what I get for being out of the loop and not caring much.
The apartment next to mine is empty. Seems the previous occupants messed it up quite a bit, because management has had people fixing it up since I got here. Over the weekend we noticed that one little square of carpet in our front hall was wet. Seems that while the apartment next door was being fixed up, a leak started somewhere and got to our little square of carpet. Dorks.
I hate looking for a job. Let's just leave it at that.
Orange flavored bread from Trader Joe's isn't as fun as it sounds. Trust me. I still love their Cran-Hibiscus juice, though. Who knew flowers could make such tasty juice? Those bees know what's what. What?
I was watching "Static Shock" the other day. Everybody makes a big deal about how it stars a black teen super hero. But, like, every other character I saw on the show was white. Like, Static's the only black kid in town. That must make the secret identity thing pretty difficult for him. "Hmm, we have a young black super hero. Wonder who it could be?"
"I know! Let's go lynch that one black kid at the local school."
Maybe it was just a special, all white meat episode, but I doubt it. Kids' shows today are so wack. I love me some Home Star Runner, though. I'm happy Lesley recommended it back in the spring. Going through all of their holiday episodes gave me the idea to dress as a panda this Halloween. I wonder if I'll go through with it? Hmm.....
TV is so weird in the Bay Area. Not having cable for the first time in years is odd enough. The broadcast stations are different, too, though. LA's Fox affiliate syndicates all of the Fox cartoons (except for Futurama, the dopes), such as The Simpson's and King of the Hill. Hmm, I guess that's all of them. Anyways, up here, another network syndicates King of the Hill. I forget which, exactly. It's either UPN or The WB. It feels wrong.
Also, the credits are allowed to run all on their own when a show's over. On the LA stations, the screen is split into three or four sections, only one of which has the closing credits. The other two or three have promos for other shows, and sometimes news teasers. I felt weird just watching closing credits after The Simpson's tonight and not being distracted by scrolls and wacky promos. They didn't show the "scenes from next week" after Arrested Development, though. Bastards.
I met the neighbor kid yesterday. His name's Albert. He has sexist ball game rules (that remind me a bit of "Calvinball") and likes to repeat the naughty catchphrases of Bender (Futurama mention #2). He's only, like, 5. He's full of energy and himself. I'd like him better if he didn't wear me out. Albert says he plays soccer, which is very good. I hope it wears him out, for his parents' sake.
It's been foggy all weekend. It's a little difficult to tell the difference between "overcast" and "foggy", but I've figured it out. When it's "foggy", I hear the fog horn at the bridge all day and all night. When it's "overcast", I just hear people complaining that there's no sun.
I've been repeatedly assured that the sun will arrive in September. That isn't why I moved to San Francisco! Am I gonna have to take myself up to Seattle to get away from the sun? I don't think I could handle all of that humidity, though. The atmosphere here and now is great for my skin. My hair remains unruly, but I'm used to that. My skin doesn't get quite so dry and ashy anymore, which is nice. I bet I'll see a decrease in my lotion usage.
I plowed through all of the "Nightwing" comics written by Devin Grayson this weekend. They go back a few years, but I'm missing some. I just went into the local comic shop a few weeks ago and bought all of their Nightwing back issues due to my new Devin Grayson fandom. I guess that's one good thing that came out of Goughi&Milli's crap "Smallville" show--DG's clexy novel, "City". I highly recommend it. Notice the signs that Lana wasn't in the original draft and her inclusion in the final draft isn't particularly favorable.
At Comic-Con, I learned that I like Goughi less than I like Milli. They're both evil, though. One of them actually said that he expects a significant portion of all of his work to be low quality. It's impossible for him to churn out only high quality work. Idiot. They'd lied about everything else, why did they have to start telling the truth on the question that Everyone in the entertainment industry knows to lie about? You never say the work is crap, whether it is or not. That's the most basic tenant of marketing.
Comic-Con also helped me learn that I could actually like John Glover more. I thought I already liked him quite a bit, but he's even better in person. He knows what we're talking about with the Blana bashing. He doesn't hate the fans of his show. He's smart and funny. And, of course, sexy. Have you seen him in "Scrooged"? Not a particularly sexy role, but damn funny!
Okay, I just ran spell-check on this entry. It's suggestion for the correct spelling of "clexy" was "Lexy"! I hadn't known that he'd officially become an adjective! Go Lex!
Well, Mirriam-Webster doesn't seem to list it. Maybe "Lexy" just appears in blogs so much that it's been added to the blogger lexicon. hee.
I tried to go to bed at a reasonable hour last night. But then I got to a really exciting part in Passages and couldn't stop reading until the excitement died down a bit in the third section of the book. Damn these fine writers messing with my sleep schedule! Damn them all to beautiful, garden-like restaurants on the Titanic! j/k
Anyways, I took a bus to Kinko's to fax something this morning. I stopped by the corner market on the way back and got another avocado and some cream cheese to add to my eggs tomorrow morning. By purchasing a package of Monterey Jack cheese earlier this week, I discovered that I don't really like MJc. I prefer the sweet stuff.
Mom got a call from the 415, but it wasn't me, so we played phone-tag for a couple of minutes while I walked back from the market. I don't see how she can miss me when we talk twice a day.
I've applied for some HR positions, 'cause I really liked being training director. One of them is part time, which would leave me time to do contract graphic design as well. I hate looking for a job.
It's Aloha Days in the Presidio this weekend! When I walked from the Officer's Club to the Post Office yesterday I saw them setting up tents and tables in the Main Post parking lot. That'll be fun and distracting.
Carla's at her parents' again this weekend. Just me and Little Miss Hot Bottom, then. And Comrade Pod, not that I've listened to him since . . . before Comic Con, I think. I've been neglecting him! Poor Comrade Pod! LMHB's iTunes is all I need when I'm indoors, though. I don't want to get myself lost when walking around, cuz good music can be distracting. Maybe this weekend.
I'm back online! Yay! It was hell not even being able to check my e-mail for five days. I felt so disconnected from the world.
Here are photos of where I live now. I'm right across the street from the perfect spot to take pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge.
I bought new shoes today. They're black leather oxfords by Sketchers. I had to go to Macy's Men's Store to find comfy shoes.
Tomorrow, I get down to business on my job search. Stress!
I found the best bowling alley ever. It's at the Presidio. Despite the sounds of a children's bowling league, the lounge with laser-cut chairs and a view almost forever made me so happy.
Russian Hill is far too hip and busy for my delicate sensibilities. Lots of fun for visiting, though.
I am now in San Francisco, in a hotel near the zoo. Mom hates it here. If you know anyone who's looking for a roommate in SF, please let me know a.s.a.p.
I am now a cell phone owner, putting me that much closer to hellfire and damnation. His name is Don Fellcone. I hate his silly, battery-draining animations. If you know a hack to delete unwanted animations and ring tones from a Samsung x426 phone, please let me know a.s.a.p.
Now that I've re-established an internet connection, I don't feel so cut-off from the world anymore. There were problems with the phone line at the hotel. The lady at the front desk forgot to open our phone line. We couldn't make any out-going calls, including the local Earthlink dial-up number. Incompetency can make me v. unhappy.
Anyways, I'm alive and tired. Carla will be back from her parents' tomorrow. It'll be good to finally see her again after ... I think it's been three years. Maybe two, since she graduated after I did and still worked at the station. Ah, Carla!
Ok, off to Craig's List to look for a room. Ta!