Evil idiots and a Fog horn
TV is so weird in the Bay Area. Not having cable for the first time in years is odd enough. The broadcast stations are different, too, though. LA's Fox affiliate syndicates all of the Fox cartoons (except for Futurama, the dopes), such as The Simpson's and King of the Hill. Hmm, I guess that's all of them. Anyways, up here, another network syndicates King of the Hill. I forget which, exactly. It's either UPN or The WB. It feels wrong.
Also, the credits are allowed to run all on their own when a show's over. On the LA stations, the screen is split into three or four sections, only one of which has the closing credits. The other two or three have promos for other shows, and sometimes news teasers. I felt weird just watching closing credits after The Simpson's tonight and not being distracted by scrolls and wacky promos. They didn't show the "scenes from next week" after Arrested Development, though. Bastards.
I met the neighbor kid yesterday. His name's Albert. He has sexist ball game rules (that remind me a bit of "Calvinball") and likes to repeat the naughty catchphrases of Bender (Futurama mention #2). He's only, like, 5. He's full of energy and himself. I'd like him better if he didn't wear me out. Albert says he plays soccer, which is very good. I hope it wears him out, for his parents' sake.
It's been foggy all weekend. It's a little difficult to tell the difference between "overcast" and "foggy", but I've figured it out. When it's "foggy", I hear the fog horn at the bridge all day and all night. When it's "overcast", I just hear people complaining that there's no sun.
I've been repeatedly assured that the sun will arrive in September. That isn't why I moved to San Francisco! Am I gonna have to take myself up to Seattle to get away from the sun? I don't think I could handle all of that humidity, though. The atmosphere here and now is great for my skin. My hair remains unruly, but I'm used to that. My skin doesn't get quite so dry and ashy anymore, which is nice. I bet I'll see a decrease in my lotion usage.
I plowed through all of the "Nightwing" comics written by Devin Grayson this weekend. They go back a few years, but I'm missing some. I just went into the local comic shop a few weeks ago and bought all of their Nightwing back issues due to my new Devin Grayson fandom. I guess that's one good thing that came out of Goughi&Milli's crap "Smallville" show--DG's clexy novel, "City". I highly recommend it. Notice the signs that Lana wasn't in the original draft and her inclusion in the final draft isn't particularly favorable.
At Comic-Con, I learned that I like Goughi less than I like Milli. They're both evil, though. One of them actually said that he expects a significant portion of all of his work to be low quality. It's impossible for him to churn out only high quality work. Idiot. They'd lied about everything else, why did they have to start telling the truth on the question that Everyone in the entertainment industry knows to lie about? You never say the work is crap, whether it is or not. That's the most basic tenant of marketing.
Comic-Con also helped me learn that I could actually like John Glover more. I thought I already liked him quite a bit, but he's even better in person. He knows what we're talking about with the Blana bashing. He doesn't hate the fans of his show. He's smart and funny. And, of course, sexy. Have you seen him in "Scrooged"? Not a particularly sexy role, but damn funny!
Okay, I just ran spell-check on this entry. It's suggestion for the correct spelling of "clexy" was "Lexy"! I hadn't known that he'd officially become an adjective! Go Lex!
Well, Mirriam-Webster doesn't seem to list it. Maybe "Lexy" just appears in blogs so much that it's been added to the blogger lexicon. hee.
Posted by rachelcrane
at 10:06 PM PDT