Vrrrooom! Beep beep!!
Now Playing: Future Bible Heroes: My Blue Hawaii
The apartment next to mine is empty. Seems the previous occupants messed it up quite a bit, because management has had people fixing it up since I got here. Over the weekend we noticed that one little square of carpet in our front hall was wet. Seems that while the apartment next door was being fixed up, a leak started somewhere and got to our little square of carpet. Dorks.
I hate looking for a job. Let's just leave it at that.
Orange flavored bread from Trader Joe's isn't as fun as it sounds. Trust me. I still love their Cran-Hibiscus juice, though. Who knew flowers could make such tasty juice? Those bees know what's what. What?
I was watching "Static Shock" the other day. Everybody makes a big deal about how it stars a black teen super hero. But, like, every other character I saw on the show was white. Like, Static's the only black kid in town. That must make the secret identity thing pretty difficult for him. "Hmm, we have a young black super hero. Wonder who it could be?"
"I know! Let's go lynch that one black kid at the local school."
Maybe it was just a special, all white meat episode, but I doubt it. Kids' shows today are so wack. I love me some Home Star Runner, though. I'm happy Lesley recommended it back in the spring. Going through all of their holiday episodes gave me the idea to dress as a panda this Halloween. I wonder if I'll go through with it? Hmm.....
Posted by rachelcrane
at 5:44 PM PDT