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Sunday, 22 August 2004
New fansite

      The only characters on Smallville worth watching are the Luthors and Chloe. The people running the show prefer to focus their attention on the canonically tertiary character of Lana. Chloe in particular gets oodles of abuse.
      Upon learning that UPN has a new show that sounds like the Chloe spin-off that Goughi&Milli are incapable of producing, I was hopeful that there would be an hour long drama worth watching this fall. At Comic-Con last month, Goughi&Milli made me like them even less. This surprised me, as prior to Comic-Con, I hadn't liked them at all. The only way anyone can get me to watch Smallville now is to let someone who knows how to do their job run the show (Ken Biller, Joss Whedon and Ben Edlund come to mind, but many other people are much better at making TV shows than Goughi&Milli).
      I could never leave the TWoP Smallville boards, though. I will continue to visit and revel in the beautiful snark that crap television inspires. Someone on the TWoP SV board recently remarked that success for Veronica Mars (UPN's Chloe knock-off) would feel like proof of Goughi&Milli's ineptitude. The buzz on VM is v. good. It's being touted as UPN's Buffy or X-Files; a well made hit that establishes the network.
      I want Veronica Mars to succeed so much that I've started up a fansite for the show. Good, early fansites help generate positive buzz, as my old Donnie Darko site evidenced.
      The cast looks decent and the creator/writer seems to have a brain, so I'm looking forward to the premiere next month. If you strongly dislike Goughi&Milli, I suggest you tune-in as well. Veronica Mars promises to have a great big lack of Blana, and for that I am grateful.

Posted by rachelcrane at 12:06 PM PDT

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