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Tuesday, 10 August 2004
Rachel wants ice cream. Will freeze chocolate milk in desperation.
Now Playing: Stephin Merritt: Eban & Charley Titles; Neil Gaiman/Gothic Archies: Coraline Ch 1; David Bowie: Something in the Air

      The job search continues. It did yield a tasty lunch at the White Star Cafe in the Presidio Officer's Club. Openface roast turkey breast with cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy on toasted sourdough. Yum!

      Oh, and my foot's hurting again from too much walking. Stupid nerves and muscles and such. The new shoes may not have helped, though. That, and walking up hills. I need to find a topographic map of SF so I know to avoid certain streets in the future. They don't call it "Pacific Heights" for nothing!

      I wanna see "Princess Diaries 2" this weekend. I wonder if Carla will come with me. I need to call her tonight.

      My roommates showed me where the local comic shop is, so I guess I'll be visiting that soon. I can't wait for the next Nightwing. I wonder if it's out already. Hmm. Oh well. That's what I get for being out of the loop and not caring much.

Posted by rachelcrane at 5:04 PM PDT

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