I am now in San Francisco, in a hotel near the zoo. Mom hates it here. If you know anyone who's looking for a roommate in SF, please let me know a.s.a.p.
I am now a cell phone owner, putting me that much closer to hellfire and damnation. His name is Don Fellcone. I hate his silly, battery-draining animations. If you know a hack to delete unwanted animations and ring tones from a Samsung x426 phone, please let me know a.s.a.p.
Now that I've re-established an internet connection, I don't feel so cut-off from the world anymore. There were problems with the phone line at the hotel. The lady at the front desk forgot to open our phone line. We couldn't make any out-going calls, including the local Earthlink dial-up number. Incompetency can make me v. unhappy.
Anyways, I'm alive and tired. Carla will be back from her parents' tomorrow. It'll be good to finally see her again after ... I think it's been three years. Maybe two, since she graduated after I did and still worked at the station. Ah, Carla!
Ok, off to Craig's List to look for a room. Ta!